Descent: Legends of the Dark
Tame your game with our organizer for Descent: Legends of the Dark.
Insert comes assembled and ready for use. Fits in the game box and will greatly improve your setup and teardown times. Keep your cards, tokens and miniatures organized in the box and on the table. Supports sleeves (up to 100 microns). Box closes fully and can be stored horizontally or vertically.
Includes 16 removable trays:
- 3 miniature trays that keep them securely in place, but easy to remove.
- Tray for colored miniature chits with extra free space for possible mini expansion.
- Token tray
- Health dial tray
- Hero card tray.
- Card tray.
- Dice tray.
- 6 trays to hold 3D terrain
- Tray for underlays and map tiles.
This is a 3rd party product, we are selling wooden trays only, game components are not included.